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Preparing the Eggs and Chicken

Making the Fu Yung Hai Sauce

Serving the Chicken Fu Yung Hai

  • Peas 200.0 g

Fuyunghai Ayam, hidangan klasik Tionghoa, adalah perpaduan sempurna antara telur dadar lembut, daging ayam gurih, dan sayuran segar. Dibalut dengan saus asam manis dan taburan kacang polong, hidangan ini menjadi favorit sejuta umat. Cocok untuk Anda yang memiliki bisnis kuliner, Fuyunghai Ayam siap menjadi bintang baru di menu Anda, menjanjikan sensasi rasa yang autentik dan menggugah selera.



  1. Preparing the Eggs and Chicken

    • Sauté the garlic, add the chicken thigh, then stir-fry until fragrant.
    • Add the cauliflower and carrots.
    • Add Knorr Chicken Powder and Knorr Oyster Sauce.
    • Turn off the fire and set aside.
    • Add the eggs to the chicken and vegetables, and mix well.
    • Heat the oil in a frying pan, and add the egg mix.
    • Reduce the heat so that the bottom of the omelette does not burn and the inside is well-cooked.
    • Check the flavours.
  2. Making the Fu Yung Hai Sauce

    • Sauté the garlic and onions, then add the tomatoes and tomato sauce.
    • Add the Knorr Lime Powder mixture.
    • Season with Knorr Bumbu Pelezat Rasa Ayam Rostip.
    • Add the chopped red chillies.
    • Set aside.
  3. Serving the Chicken Fu Yung Hai

    • Place the omelette on a serving plate.
    • Pour the fu yung hai sauce over.
    • Sprinkle with peas.
    • Serve and enjoy.