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How to Cook Konro Beef Ribs

The charm of this South Sulawesi specialty always make it as the most wanted dish. Add Kecap Bango that is trusted by 9 out of 10 chefs for a sweet and savory balance. Shine more, and it will always be ready to be a mainstay for your most favorite menu.  



  1. How to Cook Konro Beef Ribs

    • Boil beef ribs with water in a saucepan. Remove any floating dirt and oil. Turn off the heat when the meat is tender. Separate the beef ribs with the cooking water (broth), then set it aside.
    • Saute ground spices with other ingredients until fragrant and smells right. Pour the cooking water (broth) of the ribs in the sauteed spices. Stir well.
    • Add the ribs, brown sugar, broth powder, and salt. Cook until the spices are absorbed and the sauce is slightly thickened. Correct the taste, then lift it.
    • Serve with a sprinkling of fried onions and sliced scallions.
    • If you want a broth that is completely clean and odor-free, you can boil the ribs twice. First, dip the ribs in boiling water, boil it for a while, and discard the cooking water. Second, boil the ribs again with new water until they boil, soft, and the broth comes out.
    • To make the meat more tender in a short time, use presto. The trick is, after removing the rib dirt, add the sauteed seasoning and flavoring. Cook the ribs in the broth for 15-30 minutes.